15 Famous Women Who Shaped American History

Women have always shaped history just as much as men, but their contributions are historically overlooked. In America, women have advocated for civil rights and equality, traveled rough terrains and bloody battlefields to help others, written powerful books that changed minds, and contributed to legislation and court decisions that ushered in progress. In this article, we’ll explore the stories of 15 famous women who shaped American history from its early days until the present. # Name 1 Sacagawea 2 Harriet …

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The Biggest 15 Social Issues We Are Facing Today

No matter where we live, what communities we belong to or what we care about, we are affected by social issues. It’s the price of living in a society, and while challenges like poverty, climate change and discrimination can feel overwhelming, we have the power to take action. The first step is understanding what issues we’re up against. In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the biggest social issues facing the world today. # Challenge 1 The global housing crisis …

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Social Enterprise 101: Types, Examples, Learning Opportunities

There are millions of nonprofits addressing issues like poverty, hunger, gender inequality, racial discrimination and much more, but they aren’t the only organizations concerned with social and environmental objectives. Since the 1970s, a unique type of organization – the social enterprise – has been blending aspects of nonprofits and for-profits into businesses that prioritize social good over profits. In this article, we’ll explore what social enterprises look like, the different types, five examples and where you can learn more. Social …

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15 Examples of Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for, remember, and prefer information that aligns with your existing beliefs and values. It’s something humans naturally do, especially for long-held beliefs or beliefs with strong emotions attached to them, but it can have negative consequences. While no one can eliminate confirmation bias from their brains, you can recognize it when it happens. In this article, we’ll describe 15 examples of confirmation bias in action. # Topic 1 Political bias 2 Financial investments …

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Ocean Conservation 101: Meaning, Issues, Ways to Take Action 

The ocean, a vast and awe-inspiring expanse of water covering over 70% of our planet, is teeming with life and plays a vital role in sustaining Earth’s ecosystems. Yet, our oceans face unprecedented threats from human activity. Ocean conservation is the call of the hour, a collective responsibility to protect and preserve this precious resource for future generations. In this blog, we’ll cover a general introduction to ocean conservation, explain important facts, and discuss actionable ways for each of us …

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Best 15 Hair Donation Charities for People Facing Hair Loss

Hair loss has a great effect on the self-esteem of an individual and adds to their confidence. For those undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy, alopecia, or any other health conditions causing hair loss, finding a solution is something that is important. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery estimates that over 35 million men in the U.S. and 21 million women worldwide suffer from some type of hair loss. Hair donation charities allow contributors to donate their hair to …

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Best 15 Dental Charities to Make You Smile Again

A beautiful smile can be a powerful tool, boosting confidence and brightening the world around us. However, for many individuals who cannot afford proper dental care, achieving that radiant smile can be an unattainable dream. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), oral diseases, while largely preventable, pose a major health burden for many countries and affect people throughout their lifetime, causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death. It is estimated that oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people. Fortunately, …

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Best 15 Charities That Accept Piano Donations

The piano, perhaps one of the most timeless instruments ever created, has the power to captivate us as well as evoke emotions as no other instrument. It boasts a sophisticated history and was played by some significant composers throughout the ages in many famous compositions. However, circumstances change with time, and pianos age. Whether out of space constraints or the desire to upgrade, one day, your beloved piano may have to be parted with. Just because it no longer fits …

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Best 15 Charities Alleviating Poverty

Poverty, a persistent global issue affecting millions of individuals and communities worldwide, refers to an absence of resources and opportunities necessary to meet basic human needs. It is leading to deprivation coupled with limited access to essential services. According to the World Bank Report, extreme poverty is defined as living on less than $2.15 per person per day at 2017 purchasing power parity. The number of people living on such a level rose by 70 million to more than 700 million in …

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Best 15 Charities Helping People Who Are Homeless

Homelessness implies a state of not having a fixed, regular, and adequate place to live in. It may manifest in various ways, such as sleeping rough on the streets, remaining at emergency shelters or transitional housing, or residing temporarily in cars or abandoned buildings. The January 2022 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count shows that 582,462 people are experiencing homelessness across America. This is roughly 18 out of every 10,000 people. The overwhelming majority (72 percent) were individual adults. A remarkable 28 percent were people …

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