15 Famous Women Who Shaped American History

Women have always shaped history just as much as men, but their contributions are historically overlooked. In America, women have advocated for civil rights and equality, traveled rough terrains and bloody battlefields to help others, written powerful books that changed minds, and contributed to legislation and court decisions that ushered in progress. In this article, we’ll explore the stories of 15 famous women who shaped American history from its early days until the present. # Name 1 Sacagawea 2 Harriet …

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The Biggest 15 Social Issues We Are Facing Today

No matter where we live, what communities we belong to or what we care about, we are affected by social issues. It’s the price of living in a society, and while challenges like poverty, climate change and discrimination can feel overwhelming, we have the power to take action. The first step is understanding what issues we’re up against. In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the biggest social issues facing the world today. # Challenge 1 The global housing crisis …

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Social Enterprise 101: Types, Examples, Learning Opportunities

There are millions of nonprofits addressing issues like poverty, hunger, gender inequality, racial discrimination and much more, but they aren’t the only organizations concerned with social and environmental objectives. Since the 1970s, a unique type of organization – the social enterprise – has been blending aspects of nonprofits and for-profits into businesses that prioritize social good over profits. In this article, we’ll explore what social enterprises look like, the different types, five examples and where you can learn more. Social …

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15 Examples of Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for, remember, and prefer information that aligns with your existing beliefs and values. It’s something humans naturally do, especially for long-held beliefs or beliefs with strong emotions attached to them, but it can have negative consequences. While no one can eliminate confirmation bias from their brains, you can recognize it when it happens. In this article, we’ll describe 15 examples of confirmation bias in action. # Topic 1 Political bias 2 Financial investments …

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Top 11 Socially Responsible Banks For Your Consideration

Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits, give out loans, and help keep an economy healthy. They also make investments, so depending on what they’re investing in, banks can significantly help or harm the world. Take fossil fuels, for example. When banks invest in fossil fuel companies, they’re contributing to climate change. Everyone who banks there is also participating. If you want your money to only go to causes you believe in, you should consider moving your money to a …

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10 ESG Blogs Everybody Should Know

Would you like to learn more about impact investing? Want to stay updated on the latest ESG investing news and events? Here’s a list of the top ten ESG blogs to follow to stay up to date on the newest insights and trends and news, and events. You’ll find all you need to know about impact investing, from the fundamentals to recommendations for top-ranked firms. Check out these blogs to learn more about how you may invest for social good. …

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Top 11 ESG Books Everybody Should Read

ESG is a framework that measures a company’s impact on environmental, social, and governance issues. That includes everything from environmental impact to the gender pay gap to how diverse the board is. Companies that commit to ESG are more sustainable and more popular with both employees and consumers. It’s not an easy commitment, however, and many companies take shortcuts or use misleading tactics to look more sustainable than they really are. Everyone should learn at least a little about ESG …

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10 Online Courses on Climate Change and Climate Action

Learn more about climate change and climate action from online courses created by leading universities  Since 1880, the earth’s average global temperature has risen by at least 1.9° Fahrenheit. Human activities are the main reason for climate change, and as the earth’s temperature increases, so do air pollution, droughts, floods, and other serious environmental dangers. If drastic action isn’t taken, every living thing on earth will suffer. What should everyone know about climate change and climate action? This article lists …

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The 20 Biggest Problems in the World

The world has more than its fair share of problems. Understanding them is the step to saving lives, empowering action, and making society a better place for everyone. What challenges are facing the world right now? Here are twenty of the most significant ones: #1. Pandemics According to reports from the WHO at the time of writing, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed at least 6,887,000 people. While some places are acting as if things are normal now, more pandemics are …

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Socialism 101: History, Facts and Examples

Socialism is a political and economic system often discussed in opposition to capitalism, but what is it exactly? In this article, we’ll explore the history and meaning of socialism, the most important facts, and examples of socialism in action. Socialism is an economic and political theory that calls for the public production, ownership, and distribution of goods and services. There are different branches of socialism, as well as various strengths and weaknesses. Many countries weave socialist systems and policies into …

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