10 Healthcare Careers for Activists

Activism and healthcare have a long history together. In just the last few decades, campaigns for affordable medicines, the rights of patients, workplace protections for healthcare workers, and universal healthcare have spread across the world. If you’re passionate about better, more equitable healthcare, you can combine activism with a career. This article explores 10 healthcare careers for activists, along with information on what responsibilities each career type includes, required education and what kinds of organizations are hiring. Table of Contents …

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What Are Social Impact Jobs?

There’s a term for the effects companies and organizations have on the world, whether they’re negative or positive: social impact. In the career space, “social impact” also refers to how organizations address their social, environmental and economic footprints. It’s a challenging, but rewarding endeavor that’s becoming increasingly important not only for a company’s reputation, but for the health and safety of the world. To reduce their harmful effects and boost their positive ones, organizations in every industry hire people who …

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