Apply now: Master of Science in Engineering, Sustainability and Health

The Master of Science in Engineering, Sustainability and Health degree provides graduates with the foundational skills needed to excel in the transformation of corporate, non-profit (NPO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO) committed to a balance between technology and the built environment, sustainability and health. The program provides mid-career professionals with the capabilities to move within their own organization or to facilitate career changes into areas concerning energy, water, humanitarian aid, corporate social responsibility, and international/global development. This program is also ideal …

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18 Master’s Degree Programs in Fundraising, Donor Relations, Grants

If you want to advance your career in fundraising, donor relations, or grant writing, a Master’s degree program can give you the skills and knowledge you need. In these programs, you will learn how to effectively solicit and manage donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations. You will also learn how to write successful grant proposals. In addition, you will gain an understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding fundraising. Here are our top 20 picks: MSc Strategic Fundraising & …

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Top 19 Masters Degrees in Animal Welfare

We have compiled 19 top Master degrees in Animal Welfare, Protection, and Care to provide you with an overview of options around the world. 1. Master of Animal Science at North Carolina State University North Carolina University is known for being a research university. The campus is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. What makes this university special is the fact that it is part of a research triangle of universities located in North Carolina. The other colleges in this triangle …

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Top 26 Masters in Impact Investing

As the investment industry shifts from traditional profit-focused investing to an approach that considers both finance and impact, more and more universities all over the world are offering postgraduate degrees that prepare students to become future impact investors. Master of Business Administration – Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, United States Wharton provides a holistic atmosphere for individuals taking up their MBA to explore the various aspects of impact investing. Through groups like the Wharton Social Fellows and projects under …

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